Nottingham Rehab Centre – Frequently asked questions
Nottingham Rehab Centre – Frequently asked questions. Here is a list of the most common questions we get asked about addiction, and private and free rehab centres, detox, home detox etc.if you have any questions which are not on this list, do get in touch, and we will do our best to answer them. Here we go:
- How long does a detox last for? An alcohol detox last for 7 to 10 days. A drug detox takes a little longer depending on the drug you are addicted to. Methadone or opioids are normally a long slow detox. That way it is better for the client, and easy for them to cope with.
- How many rehab centres are you involved with? We are involved with over 10x fully residential rehab centres in the UK and 3x free rehab centres also in the UK.
- Do I need someone with me during an alcohol home detox? Yes you do. This is because you will be taking a mild sedative during your detox period. This will make you feel like you have had a drink, but also make you feel a little bit sleepy. What we cannot have you, while feeling sleepy, falling over and hurting yourself, while on your own. Hence that is why you need someone with you.
- Do all residential rehab centres include food? No, All of ours do, but a lot of others do not. Talk to us before you book yourself in anywhere, and we can let you know more about the centre you are going into.
- What is quasi residential? Quasi residential rehab centres are centres where you go to the centre in the day, and stay in a house a mile away from the centre up in the evening. Normally just with a security guard to look after the clients. We do not recommend these centres. But be careful. Most quasi residential rehab centres will claim to be fully residential, when they are not.
- Will I get my own room. With our private rehab centres, they will give you the choice of a single or twin room. Be careful as some quasi residential centres will tell you, you will have your own room, and when you get there, they will give you the bad news you have not. Talk to us about any rehab centre you are considering to go to.
- Does a detox hurt? No. It cannot hurt. It is only pill, and never injection etc. it is safe if done correctly, and not rushed. You should not suffer withdrawal, as the medication will take care of that.
- how do I get to the rehab centre? All our rehab centres will be happy to send a car out to you. Or you can get the train and be collected at the station, or even fly in if you are coming from abroad, and again we can collect you from the airport.
- How many people are in the rehab centre? There is normally anything from 7 to 15 clients in any private rehab centre, and a few more in free rehab centres.
- Do all rehab centres do the 12 step program? Yes, even if they tell you they do not. You have to have a program to work to. The thing is this. Rehab centres tend to have developed the 12 step program to make it their own. But underneath it all, it is still the 12 step program. The reason they use this program is because it works. If a client says they do not want 12 step, then you will find they are normally in denial and not ready to come to rehab.
contact us – Frequently asked questions
If you have any other questions which are not on the above list. Call us. We can help you or a loved one. We are here 24 hours a day. Call Tel: 07811 606 606.